Are you tired of feeling stressed out?  Frustrated? Anxious? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Are you ready to change and feel better but feel too stressed about figuring out how to do it?  I get it. I’ve been there, AND I can help you navigate your way toward the life you want.

“Reconnecting with Your Resilience: A Self Coaching Program” is a 6-week coaching program designed for you to succeed in reclaiming yourself.  This is a group coaching program, which means you get to come together with others who are on their own recovering journey. Together we’ll dive into fundamental dimensions of resilience in an environment where you can relax, laugh, think, learn and be genuine with others while working on your own goals.   

You will learn skills and tools to act as your own coach, even in your most stressful moments. In a supportive and encouraging space, we will engage in a variety of activities including goal setting, self-reflection exercises, discussions, practical skill-building exercises, and coaching.

This is not just a ‘feel good’ course.  It works! You will go from:

  • Feeling stressed out to managing stress in specific, effective ways

  • Powerless to empowered

  • Frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed, out of control to calm; managing thoughts and feelings

  • Exhausted, depleted; resource-less to more energy; resourceful

  • Thoughts of “not good enough” to Knowing you ARE good enough!               

Program Details:

  • Five 2-hour group coaching calls (12 hours)

  • Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. -12:00 Pacific Time via Zoom

    • Week 1, July 31 – Introduction to Resilience and Coaching

    • Week 2, August 3 – Laying the Foundation with Vision

    • Week 3, August 10 – All About Emotions

    • Week 4, August 17 – Language Matters

    • Week 5, August 24 – Stress Management Techniques

    • Week 6, September 7 – Sustaining Resilience

  • Investment in Yourself: $349.00 - a significant savings option as an alternative to 1:1 coaching!

Why I created this Resilience program:

I didn't recognize the impact of prolonged stress until I suffered severe health issues. It took a long time, but I got better. Then I turned around and did it again! I learned even more lessons from my experience.  I dug deeper and reconnected to what really matters to me. I got better again. The next time life tried to knock me out, I was much more resilient and knew how to take care of myself, minimize the impact and was able to bounce back more easily

Exploring resilience and sharing with others is one way for me to help others while continuing my own healing and self-discovery. My goal is to help you become better equipped to manage or avoid the heavy toll of stress.